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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Technorati Search Blog

The first blog I viewed ( was a blog called ScienceRoll which describes itself as “A journey inside medicine and personalized genetics through web 2.0.” The author of the particular blog I looked at was Dr. Bertalan Mesko, but the ScienceRoll consists of numerous bloggers belonging to that organization. This blog was posted on October 27th, 2010, which is today; this shows how the blog post are up-to-date with current research and news. This blog consists of many hyperlinks all of which link to other blogs posted by other scientific bloggers regarding the same information. In this blog, the author utilizes hyperlinks and video content to reiterate the main points.
            The second blog I viewed ( was about how scientists recently found out what genes are most important in the embryonic stem cells, bettering out understanding of stem cells. This find will go to help find ways to treat diseases such as Parkinson’s. A team of scientists investigated the 21,000 genes in the human genome to find which ones are key to fundamental use for disease treatment. This blog post came from CellNews and was written on Tuesday, October 26th, 2010; so the blog is up-to-date with current news in the scientific realms of research. The tone of this blog is slightly more informal than the research paper I wrote. But, this particular blog quotes another article and talks in a scientific tone similar to my paper. The blog is a lot shorter and to the point that my research paper which explained everything in detail. The blog assumes that the reader knows what they are talking about making it unnecessary to define vocabulary and scientific terminology.

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