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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Response to Natalie's Blog

In Natalie’s blog about organ selling (Natalie's Blog), her viewpoint is that organs should not be on the market for personal profits. I agree with this position entirely. I discussed my point of view on this topic and my points coincided with her points. Although organ selling could benefit many patients, the seller of the organ would probably be selling their organ for personal profit instead of act of kindness for another person. This I feel breaks the rules of ethicality, in my beliefs. And there is no doubt that the government would be all over this idea of marketing organs. Natalie puts it well when she states that “Legalizing the organ market would create controversy.” It would most definitely cause a stir in the economy over ethics of selling organs for personal profit. I want to discuss the question Natalie provided at the end of her blog: “Would poor people be the most accepting of the new law because it would be a source of profit for them? Is that ethically okay?” Regarding the poverty stricken population, I think that would be all over the idea of trying to sell their organs to obtain money to substantiate their lives. This creates a problem; what if these poor people’s organs were not in prime condition? Donated organs should be in optimal health when transferred to another body; you don’t want any higher risk of infection or problems. So, no, in my opinion, it is not ethically okay.

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