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Monday, November 29, 2010

Controversial Stem Cell Research

A current medicine situation in which ethics and medicine have a conflict is embryonic stem cell research.  Embryonic stem cell research uses the cells from human embryos, and those cells are then grown in a lab setting. These cells have the ability to multiply themselves into any type of cell in the body when in their early stages; ultimately, these stem cells can form entire organs that could be used for transplants or repair in a diseased person. Embryonic stem cell research is currently illegal because of  various ethical reasons. The procedure of obtaining embryonic stem cells is considered unethical because the embryo is actually destroyed in the process. People who believe in life at conception are against research involving embryonic stem cells. From the scientific stand point, though, the stage from which the stem cells are extracted is called a blastocyst, and these cells are extracted before the cell begins to differentiate; also, scientists argue that the blastocysts do not resemble and human features.
I believe that the scientific point of view is currently being misrepresented because people don’t realize that research with these embryonic stem cells could solve major health issues. Issues dealing with organ transplants, cancer, and other debilitating diseases. This type of stem cell research is also a gateway to finding various cures to some of the most deadly diseases.
The article on the pros of embryonic stem cell research is the most compelling argument because it presents not only its arguments, but also counterarguments, acceptance of the counterarguments, and then more arguments against the counterarguments. The anti embryonic stem cell research article provides arguments, but the counterarguments aren’t as strong, and they only have one clear, good argument;  versus the pro article that lists several reasons why embryonic stem cell research is necessary.